Uttarakhand floods 2013 – a snapshot

  • 85% of casualties occurred in Uttarakhand
  • Estimate of 5000 people died
  • 100,000 people stranded

The rainfall on 16th June, 2013 was relentless, causing major overflow of water in the region. Although other parts of India, including Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Delhi and Uttar Pradesh were affected by the floods, more than 85% of casualties occurred in Uttarakhand.

Bhoomika’s Relief Efforts

Uttarakhand flood relief by Bhoomika Trust
Uttarakhand flood relief blankets distribution by Bhoomika Trust

Bhoomika Trust provided relief support in times of natural disasters such as the one Uttarakhand faced in June 2013. The remoteness and lack of accessibility were barriers that took time to cross. In the meantime, we understood what the needs were and focused on fulfilling these. Working with Goonj, the most reliable organisation on ground at the time, we delivered the basic requirements for families who were affected such as cooking utensil kits and blankets for the unforgiving, deadly winter.

Uttarakhand 1
Uttarakhand 2
Uttarakhand 3

Uttarakhand Map


  1. https://www.mapsofindia.com/maps/uttaranchal/
  2. http://www.namastedehradun.com/uttarakhand-flood-2013-all-details
  3. https://reliefweb.int/report/india/uttarakhand-flash-floods-–-report
  4. https://www.ndtv.com/cheat-sheet/uttarakhand-himachal-pradesh-battered-by-rain-death-toll-rises-to-130-more-than-70-000-stranded-525881
  5. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Heavy-rain-lashes-north-India-50-killed/articleshow/20638547.cms?referral=PM
  6. https://www.iol.co.za/news/world/5-748-feared-dead-after-india-floods-1546813#.UePfZdIVNlc